Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I've been a little gloomy lately- hence the no new posts.
Some people hit road bumps and keep on driving, others (like myself) hit a road bump, lose a tire, break a windshield, forgets she didn't bring a purse and wait quietly for a tow truck.
I'm talking about my little ol' job here.
I like what I do.
I meet lots and lots of neet people.
I've just grown a little stagnant, I think.
I work for two different doctors.
One of them hits on everything in a skirt, drives a hummer, bounces paychecks from time to time, and talks endlessly about how him having "no money" then shows pictures to his clients of his newly remodeled cabin. He's a jem, that guy.
Why do I stay? Well, the answer is simple: the clientele can't be beat.
I have been in that office for five years. I have done my time and in that time have established a HUGE client base. I usually book 2-3 weeks in advance, this means good luck getting an appointment if you are hurting tomorrow, probably won't happen. It's nice. It's job security. But that office sucks my will to live. My clients rule, my boss is an ass. The drive is somewhat short, but I'm in a box of a room all day long. 9 hours of darkness with twinkling candles.
I am also the queen bee at this office, I get booked first- no matter what.
The pay is pretty decent- with lots of room for more, depending on how many clients I can physically do.

My other boss is a saint. A totally professional family kinda guy, his wife even works in the front office. He's sweet and incredibly smart. My room in that office is airy. It has a window-natural daylight! Woo hoo! But I have no clientele at this office. Why? I am only there 1 day a week. It's hard to build a strong clientele when you are only offering 1 day for people to come and see you. The pay is excellent- when I have clients that is. The drive is slightly longer, but the ride is better.
The clients are fine, but pretty much all bushiness. They hardly know me.

I'm whining, I can feel it.
And really, this does not matter at all. What matters is I need to make the most of this profession. I need to find the joy and delight I once had and care about EVERYONE I work on, not just the people who are my favorites.

Here is a little known secret about being a massage therapist that no one talks about:
It wears you out.
Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, spiritually...
You give all day. Give therapy, give advice, give your heart, give encouragement, give hugs, give humor, give touch, give yourself.
And the at then end of the day, you are spent. Tapped out. Done. Fin. The End.

Any body out there? I need some advice. I am deathly afraid I am going to be one of those people who keeps changing professions every 10 years- and is that so bad?
I am taking a vacation at the end of this month hoping I will have a new out-look on, well...everything.
If one thing in your life is crappy, everything else will seem to follow.
