I can't believe I'm turning 30.
It's funny. You always imagine yourself at little milestones like 16, 18, 21 and then there's nothing for a while. Then you wake-up one morning and you're on the brink of 30.
Boo-fucking-hoo, right? I'm not complaining. Seriously, I'm not. Believe me I would rather be 30 than 20 on any given day.
Some of my clients have the most peculiar way of wishing me a happy birthday. I was just told today that I better hurry up and get married and have some kids. After all, I'm not getting any younger, right? I heard this not only today but it is chanted in my ear ALL THE TIME. Apparently this is how you are defined when your 30 and a female- in this very order:
1.) Children
2.) Spouse
3.) House
4.) Career
Wow. Looks like I've got some catching up to do.
Whenever I am asked if I am married or if I have kids, I always get that "Awwww, It's ok. It will happen for you someday"- look, right after they hear my reply which of course is, no. These people actually feel sorry for me. Ridiculous. After all these years of equal rights etc, I am still defined and judged by the lack of wedding ring and the absence of little ones running around my bare feet. Because God only knows once you hit 30 it's never going to happen for you. Hell, I might as well retire my ovaries and amputate the fingers on my left hand. It seems like I am never going to use them!
But, but,but... I have a significant other.
Doesn't matter.
And I live in a really nice house.
But you don't own one.
I don't have kids. I have pets.
You poor thing.
You know what? Fuck you.
In your attempt to wish me a happy 30th you have rendered me dormant and sterile.
It's ok.
When my mom was my age she already had a husband and not only me but my sister. It was the thing you did back then. You married the guy you lost your virginity to and promptly had two children. You then spent the rest of your days making 3 lunches in the morning, washing 4 loads of clothes and preparing that evenings dinner.
I love my mom for this. She would have been perfectly content if this happened to me 10 years ago- even though secretly she thought I deserved a little more.
I love the idea of being married having children and owning a home. It's something to look forward to and it will eventually happen to me. But I refuse to believe I have no life because I don't have those things right now. If I had had children or even if I had married the guy I lost my virginity to (cringe), I definitely wouldn't have the friends I do now- and I fucking love my friends! And I wouldn't have the experiences I have had that make me me, good and bad. I would gladly take all the guessing, mistakes, heartache, tears and frustrations again if I knew it would get me to exactly where I am now. I'm a big believer in fate. Things happen for a reason. I am where I am because this is where I need to be.
Blah, blah, blah.
There is a lot of truth in this all. It's not something I tell myself to make me feel better. It's something I actually believe.
I may have been stupid at 20 ( like we all were), but I was smart enough to know not have children I couldn't support, not to marry out of sheer boredom, and not to listen to everything everyone had to say. I still feel that way.
So, happy birthday to me.
I'm spending the weekend having some good food with people who love my unmarried, childless ass. So HA!
Yay wine! Boooo babysitters!
There is no party. Sorry to all of you I had to kinda invite, then uninvite. I promise to turn 30 again next year.
Anyway, nothing more to say then the usual rants and affirmations.
Have a great weekend, everyone.
Drop me a line and wish me a happy 30th.
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what the hell happened here?
some fag made an ironic comment.
What? You aren't using your perfect, God given ovaries for childmaking YET??!!
And have you forgotten the teachings of Monty Python "..every sperm is sacred.."
on par with what you wrote is the scenario of getting married then getting bugged to death about WHEN, WHEN, WHEN you will have kids (plural).
Just so you know... I appreciate your "unmarried, childless ass" so there!
go three-oh!
You know, it's kind of liberating to know I didn't tie myself down in loveless marriage and pop out some kids I hate.
30 is awesome.
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